Vembu Privacy Policy

This privacy policy was last updated on 11th July, 2024.


Vembu Technologies and its group companies are committed to protecting your privacy. This privacy policy details what information we collect from or about you, the manner in which we collect it and how we use and otherwise process this information. Please note that Vembu’s products and services are not meant for use by children. By accessing our website,,, or our sub domains and using our products, you are consenting to the information collection and use procedures described in this privacy policy. Therefore, you have to be an adult, capable of consenting to this privacy policy as per the law applicable to you to access our website, products or services or consent to this privacy policy. If you are not such an adult or if you do not agree to this privacy policy, do not use the Vembu website or products, download any of the data from the Vembu’s website or provide any information to Vembu Technologies or any of its group companies or affiliated entities by e-mail or other means.

Information Collection

We collect information through two means:

  1. Directly from you – On some of the pages of our website,, (“Website”), including our sub domains, community forum, blog, Online Chat, Chatbot or marketing events, you may give or we may ask for information such as your name, your email address, your contact number, name and address of your employer company. You may also be asked to provide credit card information on our Website but this information is not stored by us. Instead it is transferred and stored securely with our payment gateway service provider

    This information will be used only with your consent and only for the purpose which the information is provided to us including providing you our services and/ or products, communicating with you and carrying out transactions ordered / requested by you. You are not required to provide this information but in case you do not, it will not be possible for us to provide you the requested service, communications or transaction

  2. Information collected automatically– When you visit our Website, we collect information about your visit to your Website, what pages you view and other actions taken within the Website. When you visit our Website, a cookie may be placed on your machine and may be read when you visit the Website again. Cookies are used to remember the information provided by you during your previous visit to our Website so that you do not have to fill it again when you download the same product or any other Vembu Technologies product. Cookies will be placed only for the specified purpose and the information remembered using cookies will not be used otherwise. You have the option to disable cookies on your computer. When you use our products, data such as your computer’s operating system and hardware may also be collected.Like cookies, we also use Pixel tags to help us manage the contents of our Website and know what content is effective. A pixel tag is used to track your activity on our webpage. Unlike cookies, pixel tags are not used for identification purposes, nor does it store any data on your computer

Information Use

We use your information for the following purposes:

  • To ensure our Website is relevant to your needs
  • For the purposes for which you provide your information
  • To deliver services, such as newsletters, events, training or software that you request or purchase
  • To communicate with you about our products, services that we believe may be of interest to you
  • To help us create and publish content most relevant to you
  • To alert you to product upgrades, special offers, updated information and other new services from Vembu Technologies, if you so request
  • To enforce the legal terms (including without limitation our policies and terms of service) that govern your use of our services
  • To promote our products including by publishing feedback you provide about our products / services
We do not sell, rent, or lease your information to third parties.

When collecting contact information that might be used to intimate you about our products and services, we will always give you the opportunity to opt-out of receiving such communications. Each e-mail we send includes an unsubscribe link allowing you to stop delivery of that type of communication. If you elect to unsubscribe, we will remove you from the relevant list within 10 business days.

Information Sharing

Your information will not be given to any third-party organization other than those below:

To our Service Providers and Partners:

We share your information with some of the third parties who provide services to us. For instance, service providers who provide services related to web hosting, processing transactions, and promoting our products or services.

We may also share your information with our partners such as the resellers or distributors for the purposes described in ‘Information Use’ above. For example, if you request that a sales person contact you, we may pass your request to a local reseller partner, as appropriate.

In all cases we limit the information shared to that which is necessary to provide services to us and these parties and their employees are prohibited from using that information for any other purpose. We also require that these parties agree to use appropriate confidentiality and security measures and process your information in compliance with this privacy policy.

To government or statutory entities:

In case of legal compliance, with regard to certain transactions, we may disclose some or all of your information to government or statutory entities.

Transfer of Information

We may transfer and store your information on our servers located in United States. We may transmit your information within our group companies located in United States and India for the purpose of processing the same in accordance with this policy. Please note that these countries may not provide the same level of data protection laws as your own country and by providing your information you consent to:

  1. The use of your information for the uses identified above in accordance with the privacy policy; and/or
  2. The transfer of your information to the United States and India as indicated above

When we are transferring your information, we will take steps which are reasonably necessary to ensure that adequate safeguards are in place to protect your information and to make sure it is treated securely. If you are located in Europe, you may contact us for a copy of the safeguards which we have put in place to protect your information and privacy rights in these circumstances.

Storage and security of Information

We will retain the information for as long as it is reasonably necessary for us to fulfill the purposes described in ‘Information Use’ above. However, if you request that we delete your information, we will delete your information from our records.

We limit the disclosure of your information to the persons in our organization to whom disclosure is necessary to fulfill the purposes described in ‘Information Use’ above for purposes described in ‘Information Use’ above. We also use reasonable and appropriate security measures in an effort to prevent loss, misuse, and alteration of information under our control. However, we cannot guarantee protection of all information in all cases, for example, we cannot guarantee protection against interception, misappropriation, misuse, or alteration, or that your information will not be disclosed or accessed by accidental circumstances or by the unauthorized acts of others. Consequently, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us and you do so at your own risk.

The information that you post on the community forums and blogs contained in our Website are publicly available and can be read, collected or used by others who visit our Website and Vembu is not responsible for any such use by third parties.

If we learn of a security systems breach, then we will notify you electronically.

Third Party Websites

Our Website may contain links to external websites. We have absolutely no control over the content or privacy and security practices and policies of such third-party websites you might visit, interact with or do business with. Any information you provide on such linked pages is provided directly to that third party and is subject to that third party’s privacy policy. Please learn about the privacy and security practices and policies of the third party’s website before providing them with your information.

Your Data Privacy Rights

At Vembu, We are dedicated to safeguard your privacy and secure your personal information. We gather personal data from individuals worldwide and diligently adhere to all relevant privacy and data security laws, including GDPR, the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), and other pertinent regulations.

Your GDPR and CCPA privacy rights

You have several legal rights regarding your personal information, including:

  1. Asking us to provide the personal information we have collected and used about you, along with details about our data privacy practices
  2. Requesting us to delete the data we have collected about you
  3. Objecting to specific ways we process your data
  4. Asking us to correct any incomplete or incorrect personal information we have about you
  5. Filing a complaint with the relevant data protection authority under GDPR if you have concerns about how we handle your personal information

we do not sell your personal data.

You can withdraw your consent to receive emails on the subscription page or unsubscribe directly from the emails. For other requests to exercise your GDPR and CCPA privacy rights, please email us at

Note that If you decide not to provide certain personal information, we may be unable to fully address your questions or offer updates and information about our products and services. However, we will still use your personal information to send important notices regarding your purchases, changes to our policies and agreements, and other legally permitted reasons.

If you live in the EU and believe our processing of your information violates any applicable law, you can file a complaint with the supervisory authority in your country of residence, workplace, or where the alleged infringement occurred.

Under the CCPA, you can exercise these rights yourself or designate an authorized agent to make these requests for you. If you do so, we may ask for additional information to confirm that you have authorized the agent.

To exercise any rights listed above, please email us at If you registered and created an account on our Website, you can also access your information through your account and you may update or correct your information.

If you reside in the EU, you may lodge a complaint about our processing of your information under this privacy policy with the supervisory authority in your country of habitual residence, place of work or place of any alleged infringement if you are on the opinion that our processing of information relating to you infringes any applicable law.

Generative AI Technologies

We use Generative AI to enhance our content creation and refine the content style to deliver a clear and accurate content for our users and clients.This includes the development of marketing materials, knowledge base articles, forum posts, technical documentation, and other forms of written communication.

Our application of Generative AI strictly adheres to data privacy laws and regulations, involving competent human review to maintain the privacy and integrity of the data we handle. This commitment ensures we protect personal information while maintaining our high standards of data security.

Changes to this policy

Vembu Technologies reserves the right to update this privacy policy from time to time. For changes to this policy that are materially less restrictive for use or disclosure of your information, we will provide you an email notification along with a copy of the updated policy. Otherwise, we will notify you of such changes by posting the new policy on our Website and indicating the date it was last updated at the top of the policy. We encourage you to review this privacy policy each time you visit our Website to see if it has been updated, in order to make sure you understand how your information will be used. Your continued use of our Website and our products and services constitutes your agreement to this privacy policy and any updates.

Contact Us

If you have questions regarding our privacy policy and/or our general practices contact Vembu Technologies (Legal Department) from the Contact us page or send your comments to:

Vembu Technologies
4141 Hacienda Drive,
Pleasanton, CA 94588