Applying SSL Certificate to BDRSuite Backup Server & Offsite DR Server

Applying SSL Certificate to BDRSuite Backup Server & Offsite DR Server

KB ID: 115039
Problem Description:
This knowledge base article provides a step-by-step guide to help users apply an SSL certificate to the BDRSuite Backup Server and Offsite DR Server. 
Note: These instructions assume that you have already created your certificate and key files.
BDRSuite Backup Server - Windows:
Step 1: Rename Existing Files- Navigate to the location below and change the names of the existing files as below:
  1. Location:`<BDRSuite_Installation_location>\apache\conf\ssl
    1. Example:`C:\Program Files\Vembu\VembuBDR\apache\conf\ssl`
  2. Existing Filename:`HttpSSL.crt`
    1. New Filename: `HttpSSL_old.crt`
  3. Existing Filename: `HttpSSL.key`
    1. New Filename: `HttpSSL_old.key`
Step 2: Rename SSL Certificate Files
  1. Rename the SSL certificate files as given below:
  1. Rename `<filename>.crt` file to 'HttpSSL.crt'
  2. Rename `<filename>.key` file to 'HttpSSL.key'
  1. Move the renamed certificate files to the following location:
  1. Location: `<BDRSuite_Installation_location>\apache\conf\ssl`
    1. Example: `C:\Program Files\Vembu\VembuBDR\apache\conf\ssl`
Step 3: Restart Services
Restart the following services:
  1. BDRSuite WebServer
  2. BDRSuite Backup Server Microsoft 365
  3. BDRSuite Backup Server Google Workspace
BDRSuite Backup Server - Linux:
Step 1: Rename Existing Files - Navigate to the location below and change the names of the existing files as below:
  1. Location: `<BDRSuite_Installation_location>/sgchroot/apache/conf`
    1. Example: `/home/vembubdr/Vembu/VembuBDR/sgchroot/apache/conf`
  2. Existing Filename: `HttpSSL.crt`
    1. New Filename: `HttpSSL_old.crt`
  3. Existing Filename: `HttpSSL.key`
    1. New Filename: `HttpSSL_old.crt`
Step 2: Rename SSL Certificate Files
  1. Rename the SSL certificate files as given below:
  1. Rename `<filename>.crt` file to 'HttpSSL.crt'
  2. Rename `<filename>.key` file to 'HttpSSL.key'
  1.    Move the renamed certificate files to the following location:
  1. Location: `<BDRSuite_Installation_location>/sgchroot/apache/conf`
    1. Example: `/home/vembubdr/Vembu/VembuBDR/sgchroot/apache/conf`
Step 3: Restart Services
Use the following command to restart the BDRSuite Apache Web Server, BDRSuite Backup Server Microsoft 365 and BDRSuite Backup Server Google WorkSpace services:
  1. `/usr/sbin/chroot sgchroot /apache/bin/httpd -k restart`
  2. `systemctl restart vgsuiteagent.service`
  3. `systemctl restart vo365agent.service`
To Launch HTTPS Web Console URL from Vembu BDR Tray (For Windows Only):
1. Edit 'SGTrayBranding.conf' file and update the 'WCProtocol' attribute value as 'HTTPS.' The path of the file is: `<BDRSuite_Installation_location>/Vembu/VembuBDR/conf/SGTrayBranding.conf`
2. Edit '' file and update the value of '$SG_HTTPS' to 1 from 0. The path of the file is: `<BDRSuite_Installation_location>/Vembu/VembuBDR/htmlgui/conf/`
3. After making the above changes, the landing page will load as an HTTPS page.
By following these steps, you can successfully apply an SSL certificate to your BDRSuite Backup Server and Offsite DR Server, enhancing the security of your environment.