Troubleshooting: VSSRequestor.exe Not Found in Guest Machine in BDRsuite

Troubleshooting: VSSRequestor.exe Not Found in Guest Machine in BDRsuite

KB ID: 115078
When utilizing Vembu-VMBackup, you may encounter an issue where the "VSSRequestor.exe" file is not located within the guest machine. This error can disrupt the ApplicationAware process within the guest VM.
The "VSSRequestor.exe is not found in guest machine" error occurs when the Vembu BDR application is unable to locate the "VSSRequestor.exe" file within the Windows\Appaware folder of the guest machine. This file is necessary for the proper functioning of the ApplicationAware process, and if it is manually deleted, the issue can arise.
To resolve this issue, please follow these steps:
1. Run Incremental Backup:
Execute an incremental backup for the affected backup job. This action should help resolve the issue by restoring the missing "VSSRequestor.exe" file.
2. Run Additional Full Backup:
If running an incremental backup does not address the problem, consider performing an additional full backup for the affected job. This will ensure that all required components, including "VSSRequestor.exe," are properly included in the backup.
For Other Errors:
If you encounter any of the errors listed below, ensure that you have configured the app-aware option under an administrator user account. If not, configure it with an administrator user for the VM.
  1. While uploading AppawareVmwareGuestTool.exe to the guest machine, the upload process fails.
  2. An error occurs while trying to start "AppawareVmwareGuestTool.exe" in the guest machine.
  3. An error occurs while running VSSRequester.exe in the guest machine.
  4. Failed to download Writer Status File from the guest machine.
  5. Unknown Errors.
Following these steps should help resolve the "VSSRequestor.exe is not found in the guest machine" error and ensure the proper functioning of the ApplicationAware process in Vembu-VMBackup.